Do you rip your plaster straight off or bit by bit?
I can see the plaster in front of me and its looking a bit grey. I need to change it. Do I feel the full force of the pain and rip it off or do I try it bit by bit?
I think it all depends. Depends on the mood I’m in, the circumstances, the size of the plaster, the time I have and what I call “my bravery scale.” All of these are not a constant so each time I tackle the plaster its a new experience. I can learn from the previous times and have a good idea of how it might turn out but even so, each new attempt can feel so different.
A bit like Decluttering. You know you need to do it, that everything will look and feel better but depending on the circumstances, the mood you’re in, the size of the area and “your bravery scale” it can feel so different each time. Each time you are touching different objects that are sentimental or practical. Who knows how you’re going to feel or what emotions the process will bring up? All you know is that you’ll feel better after its finished.